by Nico

After touring Johannesburg and enjoying the Rugby World Cup final, it was time to start my trip around South Africa. To travel this country, I decided to useĀ Bazbus: in another post I will tell you more about this but it was the perfect alternative because it allowed me to travel from Johannesburg to Cape Town making several stops throughout my visit.

MyĀ BazbusĀ was going to pick me up at 8 in the morning atĀ CuriocityĀ hostel so suitcases were ready early and I had breakfast since it was going to be a long journey to Drakensberg. As soon as I got inside the bus, I saw that there were already other travelers and when we started talking, I saw that almost all of us were going to stay in Drakensberg.


This place was on my list because they had told me about the hikes and that the second highest waterfall in the world was here. Along the way, we had the opportunity to speak with everyone and discover new places and recommendations. I wasnā€™t able to ā€œstudyā€ South Africa so I had no idea what I was going to do in this country for almost 2 months. They recommended several cities and activities to do so the trip was a great help and it passed very fast. Along the way we were able to see incredible landscapes and the closer we got to our destination, I knew that I had made the right decision.


BazbusĀ gives you some suggestions for accommodations at the different stops and I decided this time that I was going to take it. I was going to stay atĀ Amphitheater Backpackers. A place that left me with my mouth open as soon as I got off the bus. One of the best hostels I have ever seen with amazing scenery. A land surrounded by impressive mountains, waterfalls and cliffs. That afternoon we decided with the travelers from the bus to go for a walk through the meadows of the hostel where we could see deer and several birds tour the lakes around the hostel before returning and making decisions about our future here.


Upon returning from the walk, I had to decide what to do with my trip. My intention when I came here was to Ā visit the Tugela Falls (the second highest waterfall in the world) and walk through the amphitheater since it is one of the most spectacular hiking trails but due to the weather, it was not possible to make the excursion the next day so I would have to wait. That meant that I was not going to be able to take the next Bazbus so I had to stay a few days longer than expected.


Here are some of the activities I did in this spectacular place:


As we were not going to be able to do the waterfall and amphitheater hike, I decided to sign up for a tour with some of the hostel to visit another country. Lesotho is next to where we were staying and it was a big surprised to visit it because it is the highest country in the world. Its lowest point is at 1,400 meters above sea level.


We first headed to the border on the bus ofĀ Amphitheater Backpackers. It is essential to have either the VISA or a passport that allows you to enter. Ā If you donā€™t have the correct papers, you would have to wait for the bus at the border while everyone makes the excursion (To all the South American countries they ask for a VISA). When crossing, you realize that everything changes drastically, being so high, the landscapes are dry and make life difficult, so you are able to see more basic houses, they are more nomadic towns. People are very happy and friendly and you start to hear strange sounds because their language is very peculiar.

Before starting the walk, we took the opportunity to greet the children of a school which is supported byĀ Amphitheater BackpackersĀ and play with them. If you are not used to the height, a soccer game is going to be a little complicated but still fun. The walk is chilled and very entertaining because the landscapes are wonderful, the mountains that surround you are very beautiful and the air you breathe is pure.


After a small lunch at the top of the mountains it is time to start looking for some caves with rock art. This area of Africa is famous for the paintings that have been found as they are among the oldest. It is difficult to understand the paintings because the weather and climate have affected their condition, but you can easily spot some figures of animals and people.

I felt like a happy child climbing the mountains, jumping between the stones when out of nowhere we saw a cave in the distance, it looked amazing. We decided to go and enter where we saw some bats. I decided to take a few shots with the drone and while recording, I saw how a bird started to attack my drone. I tried to return it as quickly as possible but out of nowhere the bird hit the drone from the top and it began to fall, my heart sped up too much. I saw it fall from almost 100 meters and I didnā€™t want to lose it. The camera broke with the fall and sadly I had to pack the drone until I found somewhere to fix it.

We couldnā€™t leave without visiting a small town and meeting the village Shaman. She told us a little about her experience and how she became the Shaman because in Lesotho this is something very special. To convert, you are chosen through your dreams and it is your turn to seek the well-being of your people through ancestral knowledge and nature.


The Tugela Falls and The Amphitheatre:

The day starts early because the walk is going to be long and a little complicated. You have to get to the base of the trail and the path there can be difficult because there are some parts of Off-Road. When you arrive at the Royal Natal park, you have to pay the park entrance, although if you do go with theĀ Amphitheater BackpackersĀ tour, it is already included in the price.

  • Entrance to the Royal Natal National Park: 40 ZAR ā€“ 4 USD

To get to the waterfall, it is a journey of almost 6 km where you will go up slowly until you are forced to climb the last few meters on a well-sloped part. When going in a group the important thing is to understand that you are going to the pace of the slowest, it is dangerous to abandon someone so it is time to go together.

The path is perfect to admire the landscape, feel the nature and be amazed by the beauties of the planet. The amphitheater is considered one of the most impressive and largest cliffs on the planet making it a unique and a special sight. Due to the height, the climate changes easily, so it is important that you wear waterproof clothing and be prepared for any change. Depending on theĀ season you go, youĀ might even find snow up there.

I have no words to describe the sensation when you reach the top more than just joy and calm. After almost 5 hours walking, it is a relief to be able to reach the top and be able to see the entire valley. If you want to get to the waterfall you still have to wall a little bit more but everything here is mostly flat, you must walk along the edge of the cliff until you reach the river. Here it depends a lot on the time of the year that you visit the park but sadly I went on dry season and I couldnā€™t see the waterfall at its best because there wasnā€™t enough water.


It is impressive to see the fall and to be able to look out on the edge of the cliff, if you suffer from the heights, it is not a good option. To return the path is easier the only difference is that you have to go down some rock ladders. It is safe you just have to be patient and wait for the whole group.


Royal Natal National Park:

After two days ok hikes, we just wanted to be able to rest and enjoy a picnic. Visiting the park is possible on your own and there are many trails you can do at the bottom of Drakensberg. In this case, our intention was to have a picnic under the amphitheater next to some waterfalls and to observe the Tugela river canyon.


The path is easy trough the forest following the path of the river. Upon reaching the waterfalls we find a perfect space inside a cave to mount our picnic and to enjoy the natural pools. A very calm and perfect day to rest.


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