Mbeya and its hidden wonders!

by Nico

Mbeya is a city in Tanzania southwest of the country. It is not well known by tourist, but hides some wonderful landscapes and nature. It is located almost 2,000 MSNM so nature begins to look a little greener and the heat drops a little. Its mountains hide several natural parks and waterfalls that will dazzle you.

Train to Mbeya:

One of the best adventures I could have chosen to do. Twice a week a train leaves from Dar Es Salaam to Zambia. This train lasts 2 whole days so you will find sleeping cabins. If this tour catches your attention, in this post you can find all the information you need: Blog

What to do in Mbeya:

The town is quite small and there is not much to do so I recommend going on excursions to the following places.

Malamba Falls

Hidden between the mountains you can find these waterfalls that will dazzle you. 1 hour from Mbeya you can get to a small town called Tukuyo. On the way you will be accompanied by giant banana plantations and happy children running on the road to greet you.

Upon arrival you have to pay a small ā€œdonationā€ as it is not an official ticket and you start walking a little bit. The road is short to reach the base of the river and be able to see them from below. It is a waterfall that is divided into 2: It has a great jump and after hitting some rocks, another slightly smaller jump arrives.

The river is clean water so you can swim without any problem and enjoy the view. From below you can see everything, but if you are agile and you like adventure a little more, climb the first waterfall. You will arrive where the water hits the rockscand you will see a prettier water well and see everything more closely.

You must go with a guide because they are quite far from the town and the road is not signposted. Below I leave you the contact with the agency that I used.

For time I could not do more because my schedule was already a bit tight since I had a specific date in which I should be in Zambia but here I tell you other wonders that I could have done and if I had more time I am sure I would have done them:


Ngosi Crater

It is one that you can do to one of the largest lakes in the craters of volcanoes in Africa near Mbeya. It is a very nice tour where you can tell the myths and legends that come from nearby tribes. I had the opportunity to listen to a few and they reminded me of the Guatavita lagoon in Colombia so I recommend it.

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Gods bridge

A natural formation created by the erosion of the river where the river is seen crossing the mountain creating a natural bridge.

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Kitulo Plateau National Park

Despite being a national park in Africa, this is not a safari where you will see lions or giraffes. This park is more to enjoy nature, see fields full of flowers and make several trails. If you like flowers this is the place you should go, many call it the Serengeti of flowers.

The best time to go is in the rainy season November – April where you can enjoy the flowers at their best.

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Uyole Cultural Tourism Enterprise is an agency with which you can organize all these plans. Amos is the owner and is always willing to help you and show you around his city.

Contact Name: Amos or Kelvin

Cell: +255783545464 or +255657909261

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Nobby July 27, 2020 - 01:03

Hello Nic,
The small town name you refer is TUKUYU, not Tukuyo
Very nice blog and insightful information.
Warm Regards

Nico July 28, 2020 - 10:39

Hey Nobby thanks for the correction, im glad you like the blog! Hope we can continue traveling and writing more blogs!


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