Durbans beaches

by Nico

At the end of my tour of Drakensberg, it was time to continue my way withĀ BazbusĀ and head to Durban. On the Bazbus route this is a mandatory stop as one section ends here and the Wild Coast tour begins. Additionally, I was in the process of applying for the Ā work and Holiday VISA for Australia and I had to send some biometric exams so I got an appointment here.


Thanks to the great experience in Johannesburg, I decided to stay again atĀ Curiocity. I had nothing planned for this city but to do my VISA errand but the truth is that it surprised me. I decided to rent a bicycle with the hostel team and take a tour of the city. K the hostel manager joined me and showed me around the city. An incredible experience, going with a local is always better.

On the tour, K takes me through the streets telling me a bit of the history and importance of Durban in colonial times as it was a key place for the British Empire and the spice route. He showed me the town hall, Victoria Street Market, the traditional spice market and various iconic buildings. The markets are very beautiful and if you like to visit something different, the traditional spice market is very interesting. South Africa is a country where witchcraft has been important and in these markets you can get everything for potions of all kinds. In this place it is not allowed to take photos because they seek to keep the secrets of the medications.

The city is perfect for biking, so I took the opportunity to continue with some people from the hostel and visit diferent places like Moses Mahbidia Stadium, Ushaka and tour the entire promenade enjoying the small bars and restaurants. Durban is a very good place to surf because the waves are very moving but I had planned to learn later in Coffee Bay, here it seems to me that it is very expensive so we dedicated ourselves to sit on the beach and see how they surf.


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