
by Nico
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Officially Kingdom of Spain, it is the largest country on the Iberian Peninsula and was for many years one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world. It is currently one of the countries most visited by tourists as it has a long history and one of the best cuisines.

For 800 years and until the year 1492, the south of Spain was ruled by Moors which left a wide legacy and many palaces and architectural buildings that can be enjoyed today.

The same year in which the Moors were expelled, Christopher Columbus, together with the support of the kings of Castile, managed to “discover” America that for close to 300 years the Spanish managed to have control over this continent.

It shares borders with: Andorra, France, Morocco and Portugal

  • Capital: Madrid
  • Official Language: Spanish
  • Population: 47,100,396 (2020)
  • Area: 505,944 Km²
  • Currency: Euro (EUR)